Healthcare & Medicine


Healthcare is the most important sphere of life in modern society, on which the health, quality and life expectancy of each person directly depends. In this nomination, the Golden Chariot Award is given to the world's best large, medium and small companies and institutions, managers, specialists, honored people working in the industry, specialized science and education, related industries, including pharmaceuticals, etc.


Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta

General Physician, Oncologist, Surgeon (INDIA)

Tatiana Chiryatyeva

MD, Head of the Department of Human Anatomy (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)

Irina Kamyshko

Pediatrician, Executive Director of Stormoff NRW GmbH & Dixion Vertrieb GmbH (GERMANY)

Participation criteria
Selection criteria for the winners of the Golden Chariot Global Award

The Gold Chariot International Prize Laureate title is awarded to the best large, medium and small companies, organizations, institutions and teams, outstanding professionals and specialists, who have achieved significant results in their work and made a significant contribution to the development of one of the spheres of human activity. The activities of the winner of the Golden Chariot World Prize are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Ecology and environmental protection;
  • International programs and cooperation;
  • Business expansion;
  • Innovative technologies creation and implementation;
  • Innovative rolling stock creation;
  • Outstanding investment activity;
  • New segments of goods and services development;
  • Transport security projects;
  • Social projects and programs implementation;
  • Training and the educational process organization;
  • Promotion of the achievements of the industry;
  • Sponsorship, charity, patronage, etc.

The applicant, who submitted to the Organizing Committee application corresponding to at least one of the criteria, has the right to pass the examination and be nominated by experts and members of the Presidium of the award and claim the title of Winner.

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